Thursday, April 24, 2014

Maslow's Hierarchy


1) Can children learn in school if they are hungry or feel unsafe in their neighborhood? Take Maslow's hierarchy of needs into account when answering this question.

2)What criticisms would you offer about this hierarchy?


1) No children would not be able to learn in a school setting if they are hungry or feel unsafe in their neighborhood because according to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, people must fulfill their lower level needs such as for survival, safety, followed by belonging and then self-esteem first. If a child is hungry or feels unsafe for any reason, they cannot move forward with fulfilling higher-level needs until the needs of being fed and being kept safe are satisfied. Once these are satisfied, the motivation for fulfilling those needs decrease and they can now move forward with fulfilling higher-level needs such as intellectual achievement.

2)  Criticisms that have arose about this hierarchy are that people don't and won't always appear to follow the theory the way that Maslow predicts it will work out. Most people move back and forth between different needs like from higher-level needs to lower-level needs and then back again. Life is not like a pyramid where once you fulfill a need you move on and never see that need again, it will keep coming back whenever it needs to be fulfilled.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Case Study 2

Question:  Paulo Nzambi moved from his home in Angola to the United States in the fifth grade. While his English and schooling were adequate, his teacher Katie Wyant worried about his social adjustment. His quiet demeanor and soft voice were, in many ways, the opposite of his male peers. Paulo appeared hesitant when interacting with her as if he was unsure about how to behave. As the year progressed, Katie noticed he had not made any progress in adjusting to the classroom. She decided she needed to be proactive in finding a solution. (Cluster 6 / Unit 5).

         1)   In order to acquire a better understanding of Paulo and make make school a more positive experience, what three types of relationships would assist Paulo as well as Miss Wyant?

       2)  What aspects of culturally relevant teaching might Katie Wyant employ to assist Paulo Nzambi in his transition to an American classroom?


 1)  The three types of relationships that would assist Paulo and Miss Wyant are:
             1) Caring teacher-student relationships
             2) Effective peer relations
             3) Effective home-school relationships

2) Miss Wyant could connect with the not only the student Paulo but also get to know his parents by doing projects with all of them outside of the classroom.  Miss Wyant could ask the parents to help out in the class or to discuss with the students about their hobbies, or the history and heritage of their ethnic group.