Monday, January 27, 2014

Module 2 Question

Module 2 Question:  New research on education is constantly conducted to better understand learning and to improve teaching. How do you think teachers can use this research? How might teachers in classrooms and researchers collaborate? Do you think teachers can also be researchers? If so, how? If not, why not?

        New research on education is constantly conducted to better understand learning and to improve teaching and I think that teachers could use all this new research to focus on specific problems that seem to arise and from that they can make careful observations so that they can learn a great deal not only about their teaching, but also about their students.
        I think that teachers and researchers can collaborate in way where, researchers can help teachers figure out what the best methods for teaching are so that they can be more successful in the classroom and with students.  Teachers can also help researchers too because teachers can demonstrate what methods seem to work and what methods don't work as well as expected so that further research can be done to reach the goal for success.
        Yes teachers can also be researchers because they can use their own personal observations in the classroom as a whole and by working with individual students to determine what works and what doesn't. By having that student-teacher relationship, they can adjust their teaching style to fit individual students based on their needs, which is something researches aren't able to do.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Module 1 Question:   Does good teaching make a difference? Has it made a difference in your learning, or perhaps in your life outside the classroom or in a career choice? How should effective teaching be assessed by administrators?

Answer:    Good teaching makes a huge difference in the lives of their students not only at that time, but also later on down the road. Throughout all my years in school, I have had a wide variety of teachers. Some who were very enthusiastic about the topic they were teaching and to make a difference in our lives, but I've also had teachers who weren't as excited about teaching. I found that those who were enthusiastic about it, made it easier for me to pay attention and actually made me want to learn, but with teachers who could care less, I didn't seem to care either. I had no desire to learn in their class. Good teaching has impacted me in a way where even outside the classroom, I still have a positive outlook on things and a willingness to go further in life.