Monday, March 24, 2014

Threaded Discussion IQ

Question:  provide link
1) How did taking the test make you feel? Why do you think IQ tests are so popular?
2) Do you think the test is an accurate representation of both your intelligence and of your abilities as a student?
3) Although the test that you took is most likely not the most reliable or valid test, how would you approach IQ testing with your own students?


1) This test made me feel a little anxious because I kept rereading the questions and second guessing myself. Most of the questions seemed too easy so I would stare at the question and over think the possible answer even though they were all true or false. I think they are so popular because it gives you an idea of how smart you are and lets you know what areas you have to work harder on.

2) I really don't think its a good representation overall because I feel like I am a lot smarter than the test told me I was. I didn't really feel like the questions were very relevant to what I have learned in school and therefore made me struggle a little bit more than I normally would.

3)  If I could create my own IQ test, I would make it more relevant to what they had been learning all alone with maybe one or two trick questions just to get them thinking a little harder.

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