Monday, May 5, 2014

Assessment Case Study


   1) In addition to the criteria for what constitutes quality work and having students self-assess, list some additional guidelines for Miss Wren to remember when developing a rubric.

   2) Grades, a form of extrinsic reinforcement, can be a source of celebration for Miss Wren's students or a punishment. In order to make the most of grades and increase her students' chance for success, what should Miss Wren keep in mind when grading her students?


1) In addition to the criteria, I think Miss Wren should keep in mind the following guidelines:
            1) Focusing on reliability will give Miss Wren the reassurance if the content (the book material on which the report is on, is consistent and shows that the students have a grasp on what the book is about. It will show their overall knowledge of the same material.
             2) Next, Miss Wren should also focus on validity because the book report should measure what it is intended to measure, which is the knowledge intended from the book report

2) When grading her students, Miss Wren should keep in mind that all students' express their knowledge in different ways and should be encouraged to express it however they know how and by using whatever ability comes strongest to them.

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