Sunday, February 9, 2014


I would love to work with the age group of  2-6 years of age.

Physical Development:  Physically children in this age group the muscles grow, their brains develop to better understand information, their balance improves,  and their center of gravity moves lower so that they are able to run, jump climb and hop. By age 2, they have perfected this walking skills. By the third year, most children have learned to throw, run and jump but arent well controlled until about age 4 or 5.

Cognitive Development: The first form of cognitive development according to Piaget is the ability to form and also use symbols like words, gestures, signs and images, which is called the preoperational period. From ages 2 to 4, most children enlarge their vocabulary from 200 words to 2,000 words.

Sociocultural Perspective on Cognitive Development:  This applies to early childhood in the sense that they are very limited, they are limited to language development.

Putting it into perspective:  For a teacher, they should look for the improvement in language mainly because they will be learning and gaining more ways to communicate and will put it into practice but they should also look for the small  physical changes.

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