Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Threaded Discussion Question (Teasing)

1. Is there a difference between teasing and bullying?
2. How can teachers determine when their intervention is necessary?
3. How can teachers determine when a student is being bullied?
4.When should teachers report bullying to parents?

1. Yes there is a difference between bullying and teasing. The difference is that teasing generally involves a sense of play and mutual joking around. It rarely, if ever involves cracks about religion, race, or appearance. Bullying on the other hand does not involves play or mutual joking around. It often involves jokes about religion, race or appearance.

2.  Teachers can determine that their intervention is necessary immediately. There should be a strict zero tolerance policy and the teacher should not stand by and wait for a good moment to get involved. If it is being witnessed, it should be confronted.

3. A teacher should be able to determine when a student is being bullied when they notice that the "joking around" is not at all mutual and only one student is laughing and making the jokes.

4. Bullying should be reported when the behavior does not improve or gets worse over time.

1 comment:

  1. Kendall,

    I am so proud of the work you are doing on this blog. Please keep up the amazing work. I also REALLY love that you include the questions on here. It makes it so much easier to understand as a reader! Thank you!!-- Lynn
