Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Threaded Discussion Question (Television)

     1. What kinds of challenges do these children face? How do they deal with them?
     2. What kinds of things challenge these parents? How do they respond?
     3. To what extent do the children's activities and behaviors seem to result from their parenting?

Answer: The Tanners from Full House
    The adults associated with the Tanner family (Danny, Jesse, Joey and Rebecca), represent a authoritative parenting style. They set clear rules, enforce them and also expect mature behavior from the kids (DJ, Stephanie, Michelle, Nicky and Alex). When the adults give certain rules, you can expect them to follow through with explaining why those rules are in place, but they are also very good at listening to any concerns the kids may have.

     1. One challenge that these children could face is that they don't get the opportunities to go out and explore the world and make their own mistakes. They will learn a lot more by making their own mistakes rather than being monitored 24/7. They deal with this challenge by either just following the rules or they sometimes try to find ways around the rules, that way they can have fun and break the rules without the adults knowing.

     2.  The adults are challenged in the household because they have to be strict enough to stand by the rules they have created, but they also have to make sure they aren't too strict and make sure they take into consideration the children's needs and concerns. Another challenge could be dealing with the children not listening all the time like they should and trying not to be overly mean about how they address the situation. They tend to respond by sitting down with the child and discussing why they did what the did and why they won't do that certain thing again.

     3.  It seems like the activities and behaviors of these children are directly related to the parenting style.  This specific parenting style expects to see mature behavior and that is exactly what they get. The children act accordingly and when they think they are unsure about what they are doing, they question whether or not it is a good idea and if the adults will be mad with their actions. Although sometimes they do bad things anyways, they always maturely resolve it and never do it again.

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